Friday, July 31, 2009

FRy It UP!!

So I decided, once again, to try my hand at cooking.This time I made FRIED MAC N' CHEESE. It's great for everyone. They were DeliCiOuS.ANd I got the Stamp of approval from HUNTER:)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Hoy hice dulce tamales de maiz cocer. Los delicioso:) Mmmmm
So I'm a lil bored because I'm only taking one class during the summer, espanol.I would write in spainsh, but this thing doesn't do the accent marks. Dang it!!! Today I made SWEET CORN TAMALE CAKES and BBQ Pizza.It was ALL sooo delicious:)Mmmmm

Latley I've been watching cooking shows with my sister (Jennifer), and it got me in the mood to cook since I have time.